Sunday, January 20, 2013

Impressionist Sculpture: Medardo Rosso

I have one word for Rosso's sculptures: overwhelming. I had never seen such pieces of art and, in fact, I had never imagine that such abstract and grotesque figures could exist. Both 'Maternity' and 'The Golden Age' are astonishing, confusing, and alarming. Are those babies suffering or just being like any other crying baby? Are their mothers loving them? These sculpture leave a lot of unanswered questions.
Here are other two astonishing, confusing, and alarming sculptures of Medardo Rosso:

Sick Old Man
Book maker

1 comment:

  1. "Alarming" is the right word! You've got an artist one of whose major themes is maternity, and you think all soft and cuddly, and then Rosso hits you with all this biological waxy sculptures...OMG...

    Somehow or other Rosso has missed becoming famous, so I guess he'll be a cult artist permanently, but what the heck, I don't think there's anyone like him. Hats off to you, Medardo!
