Sunday, April 14, 2013

Abstract Expressionism

Abstract art is usually underestimate by the public; people think that Abstract Expressionism paintings are a sort of farce... "I can do that" they think... "My son made that in kinder garden" they say... "That's not art" they affirm. I think Abstract Expressionism is just the perfect movement to argue just the opposite. We could think that Jackson Pollock, for example, just spilled painting in a large canvas, but his paintings have actually a unity in both the 'lines' and the colors... It can be easily seen that he controlled the painting and maybe it is just me, but I can feel that Pollock had a kind of special relationship with his works.

I could feel the same phenomena with other Abstract Expressionist painters like Willem de Kooning, Franz Kline and Robert Motherwell. They just seem so attached and related with their paintings! It's amazing and kind of special too... We couldn't find any painter-painting relationship in an old Venus painting from the Renaissance or even if we could find a relationship between the author and his/her work in Impressionism or surrealism, it wouldn't be as obvious as it is in Abstract Expressionism... I think this happens for the fact that we can actually see the work of the abstract Expressionist painters in the canvas (the shoulder movements of Pollock, for example).
Personally, I've always enjoyed abstract paintings that actually cause an emotion in the public, abstract paintings that seem to be telling you something, works that actually speak to you... I think Abstract Expressionist accomplished all that... *hats off*

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