Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gustav Mahler

I heard Mahler's 'Symphony No. 4' while writing the other posts of this blog, and I all I have to say is that despite the notorious heterogeneity of the melody, it is quite enjoyable and relaxing. I think the part I enjoyed the most was the last 7 minutes, not only because of the thrilling and attractive rhythm of the music, but because of the soprano's voice that suddenly joins the instruments. I think I could have enjoyed more this symphony if the soprano had appeared before, she gives a perfect balance to the music when she's singing!

1 comment:

  1. I discovered Mahler in high school and played him incessantly. It's funny, my mom, who was fine with most of my music and bought me a lot of my records, couldn't stand Mahler at all, and since his symphonies are SO long, I could hear her groaning whenever I put one on. It was kind of a running joke between us.
