Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Symbolism in Music: Arnold Schoenberg

Well, what can I say? Listening to Schoenberg's 'Pierrot Lunaire' was weird, not only for the rather strange arrangement and sound of the music, or the sprechstimme style that the vocalist used, but also for the German that always makes everything sound creepy -at least for me-. I think that if you're looking for a nice, enjoyable melody to chill and relax, you certainly will never think of listening 'Pierrot Lunaire'; the piece is aesthetically terrible, but somehow, I liked it. Actually, I don't know why I got this crazy idea that the lyrics , and even some elements of the music, could perfectly work for some of those odd German heavy metal bands -I wouldn't be surprised if I found a heavy metal cover!-.

1 comment:

  1. Creepy, yes indeed! If you are in the mood, try the whole cycle. Schoenberg is (still, amazingly, given that it's a hundred years later) the dividing line between those who love ultra-modern classical music and those who can't stand it.
